Die Journey Through Hallowed Ground führt über überdachte Brücken und vorbei an anderen historischen Stätten.

Monticello, Thomas Jeffersons Anwesen, ist eine als World Heritage Site ausgezeichnete Weltkulturerbestätte.

Das historische und charmante Städtchen Leesburg ist das Tor zu Virginias Wine Country.

Die Journey Through Hallowed Ground führt über überdachte Brücken und vorbei an anderen historischen Stätten.

Monticello, Thomas Jeffersons Anwesen, ist eine als World Heritage Site ausgezeichnete Weltkulturerbestätte.

Das historische und charmante Städtchen Leesburg ist das Tor zu Virginias Wine Country.
Ungewöhnliche historische Stätten der USA an der Touristikstraße „The Journey Through Hallowed Ground“
Etwa 48 km westlich von Washington, D.C. und 20 Minuten vom Dulles International Airport entfernt befindet sich eine bemerkenswerte historische und kulturelle Landschaft, die als „Journey Through Hallowed Ground“ bezeichnet wird.
Diese Strecke, die sich über 290 km durch ein Gebiet, das als nationales Kulturerbe gilt und eine Touristikstraße umfasst, von Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) nach Monticello (Virginia) windet und von historischen Gemeinden, Schlachtfeldern, Herrenhäusern von Plantagen und Nationalparks umsäumt ist, stellt mehr als nur eine Straße dar. Dieses Gebiet ist ein Torweg zur Geschichte der USA im wohl ereignisreichsten Winkel der USA.
Heimat bedeutender Persönlichkeiten, Ereignisse und Ideen
Neun Präsidenten lebten entlang der Touristikstraße „Journey Through Hallowed Ground“ einschließlich John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower und Thomas Jefferson, dessen Wohnhaus in Monticello als einzige Privatresidenz jemals von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe ernannt wurde.
Die größte Schlachten des Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs – Manassas, Gettysburg, Antietam, Appomattox und Dutzende von anderen – fanden an dieser Strecke statt. Dokumente, die die Welt verändert haben, wie die Unabhängigkeitserklärung (Declaration of Independence), die Emanzipations-Proklamation (Emancipation Proclamation), die berühmte Rede des Präsidenten Abraham Lincoln, die als Gettysburg Address bekannt ist, und der Marshallplan wurden an dieser wichtigen Route ausgearbeitet oder von Ereignissen inspiriert, die sich dort zugetragen hatten.
Lebhafte Städte und idyllische ländliche Gebiete
Heutzutage erfreut sich die Touristikstraße „Journey Through Hallowed Ground“ dynamischer historischer Altstädte wie Frederick, Hagerstown, Westminster und andere in Maryland sowie Leesburg, Middleburg, Warrenton, Washington, Culpeper, Orange, Madison und Charlottesville in Virginia. Jede hat ihren eigenen einmaligen Charme und außergewöhnliche Kultur – Restaurants, Cafés, Museen, Galerien, Geschäfte, Gasthäuser und Feste in Hülle und Fülle.
Üppige Landschaften, die die Strecke umgeben, sind ein Bilderteppich aus Obstgärten, Bauernhöfen, Weingärten und Weingütern, die von unberührten Flüssen und schimmernden Bächen durchzogen sind. Im Schutzgebiet des Nationalerbes von „Journey Through Hallowed Ground“ befinden sich etwa 13 Nationalparks, die sich hervorragend für Wanderungen, Reitausflüge, Kanufahrten und andere Freizeitabenteuer eignen.
Das Timing für Ihre USA-Reise könnte nicht besser sein, denn bis 2015 finden Gedenkveranstaltungen zum 150. Jahrestags des Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs statt und 2016 wird der 100. Jahrestag der Einführung des Nationalparksystems gefeiert. Schließen Sie sich uns an und reisen Sie zu den „Where America Happened®“ Orten, wo Amerika seine Anfänge fand.
Der zehntägige Reiseplan bietet eine Vorschau auf die verschiedenen Stätten und kann Ihnen bei der Reiseplanung helfen. >>
Hosted since 1969, Citi Open is one of DC’s longest-standing sports traditions.
The town of Chincoteague is known worldwide for its annual Pony Penning & Auction.
The Annapolis Crab Feast is all-you-can-eat and drink, including large and #1 male crabs (the big ones) plus Maryland vegetable crab soup, sweet Maryland corn on the cob, beef barbeque sandwiches,
Experience the nation’s capital during the popular Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series.
Take a step back in time to Highland County, “Virginia’s Sweet Spot.” Each year, tens of thousands of visitors are drawn to this unspoiled, rural region of Virginia to celebrate the “opening” of th
Washington, DC’s most anticipated annual festival celebrates the arrival of spring.
The Eastern Shore Sea Glass and Coastal Arts Festival features artisans from around the country selling coastal and sea-glass related jewellery, home décor, art, and more.
In 1997, the Virginia Arts Festival presented the city with what has now become a staple to Norfolk’s performing arts scene: The Virginia International Tattoo.
With a long sailing tradition in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay, the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show rings in the new season by bringing together sailing enthusiasts from around the Mid-Atlantic.
For one week in April, visitors are invited to tour inspired private landscapes, public gardens, and historic sites across Virginia, enjoying our beautiful state at the peak of spring.
Since 1939, All Hallows Guild has held Flower Mart as a benefit for Washington National Cathedral’s gardens and grounds.
Kinetic Sculptures are amphibious, human powered works of art custom built for the race.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people gather to celebrate the arrival of spring and the apple blossoms blooming in the orchards surrounding the city of Winchester.
Experience the fast-paced action and Maryland traditions at the annual running of the Preakness Stakes in downtown Baltimore.
Dominion Riverrock is the nation's largest outdoor sports and music festival, bringing athletes, spectators, musicians, and even dogs to Brown’s Island in Richmond, Virginia for a three-day festiv
Head to Mount Vernon for their most popular event of the year. Taste unlimited samples of wines from Virginia’s finest wineries.
This festival is an old-time bluegrass music tradition started by music legend Dr. Ralph Stanley and continuing today in his honour.
Artscape is America's largest free arts festival, attracting 350,000+ attendees to Baltimore, Maryland.
Passport DC is a month-long journey around the world highlighting DC's thriving international diplomatic community and its lively and varied international culture. Celebrated annually in May, which
The nation's capital is proud to host WorldPride 2025, an event that celebrates diversity, equality and love on a global scale.
Kick off the summer and eat your way down Historic Pennsylvania Avenue, sampling food & drinks from over 100 of popular vendors.
Join the Independence Day celebrations in the nation's capital city!
This award-winning 5-day celebration of music and art nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia features more than 100 performers on 8 stages.
Hosted since 1969, Citi Open is one of DC’s longest-standing sports traditions.
The town of Chincoteague is known worldwide for its annual Pony Penning & Auction.
The Annapolis Crab Feast is all-you-can-eat and drink, including large and #1 male crabs (the big ones) plus Maryland vegetable crab soup, sweet Maryland corn on the cob, beef barbeque sandwiches,
Experience the nation’s capital during the popular Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series.
Take a step back in time to Highland County, “Virginia’s Sweet Spot.” Each year, tens of thousands of visitors are drawn to this unspoiled, rural region of Virginia to celebrate the “opening” of th
Washington, DC’s most anticipated annual festival celebrates the arrival of spring.
The Eastern Shore Sea Glass and Coastal Arts Festival features artisans from around the country selling coastal and sea-glass related jewellery, home décor, art, and more.
In 1997, the Virginia Arts Festival presented the city with what has now become a staple to Norfolk’s performing arts scene: The Virginia International Tattoo.
With a long sailing tradition in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay, the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show rings in the new season by bringing together sailing enthusiasts from around the Mid-Atlantic.
For one week in April, visitors are invited to tour inspired private landscapes, public gardens, and historic sites across Virginia, enjoying our beautiful state at the peak of spring.
Since 1939, All Hallows Guild has held Flower Mart as a benefit for Washington National Cathedral’s gardens and grounds.
Kinetic Sculptures are amphibious, human powered works of art custom built for the race.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people gather to celebrate the arrival of spring and the apple blossoms blooming in the orchards surrounding the city of Winchester.
Experience the fast-paced action and Maryland traditions at the annual running of the Preakness Stakes in downtown Baltimore.
Dominion Riverrock is the nation's largest outdoor sports and music festival, bringing athletes, spectators, musicians, and even dogs to Brown’s Island in Richmond, Virginia for a three-day festiv
Head to Mount Vernon for their most popular event of the year. Taste unlimited samples of wines from Virginia’s finest wineries.
This festival is an old-time bluegrass music tradition started by music legend Dr. Ralph Stanley and continuing today in his honour.
Artscape is America's largest free arts festival, attracting 350,000+ attendees to Baltimore, Maryland.
Passport DC is a month-long journey around the world highlighting DC's thriving international diplomatic community and its lively and varied international culture. Celebrated annually in May, which
The nation's capital is proud to host WorldPride 2025, an event that celebrates diversity, equality and love on a global scale.
Kick off the summer and eat your way down Historic Pennsylvania Avenue, sampling food & drinks from over 100 of popular vendors.
Join the Independence Day celebrations in the nation's capital city!
This award-winning 5-day celebration of music and art nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia features more than 100 performers on 8 stages.
Hosted since 1969, Citi Open is one of DC’s longest-standing sports traditions.
The town of Chincoteague is known worldwide for its annual Pony Penning & Auction.
The Annapolis Crab Feast is all-you-can-eat and drink, including large and #1 male crabs (the big ones) plus Maryland vegetable crab soup, sweet Maryland corn on the cob, beef barbeque sandwiches,